How often do we notice the bridge?…

A bridge is the means by which we travel from one place to another. It’s the connecting structure that makes the impossible, possible. Bridges are those sturdy and reliable structures that shorten distances, connect people and keep us out of harm’s way. They provide “safe crossing” and turn uncertainty into certainty. Above all, bridges are practical solutions to the sometimes risky environment in which we find ourselves.

Like a relationship, a bridge is not built overnight. It takes months, even years to create something you can depend on. Bridges that last require state-of-the-art design and experts supported by teams of specialists. An outcome that is simple, elegant, and durable is the desired result of a process that is often painstakingly complex.

“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”
– Benjamin Franklin

We at Barry, Evans, Josephs & Snipes are financial service specialists focused on mitigating the impact of life’s two certainties: death and taxes. We are “bridge builders,” in a sense – providing tax-advantaged crossings that efficiently connect you to your financial goals and allow you to preserve what matters most to you.

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